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Saturday, October 29, 2011

David Brooks Advising Obama?

David Brooks is the kind of conservative I can read. He appeals to reason, maintains a laudable sense of consistency and fairness and proposes policies and ideas that attempt to help the whole country, not "the base" or the political expediency of the day. It was with some anticipation, then, that I read his recent column advising President Obama to tone down his rhetoric.

In many ways, he delivered in all the ways he generally does. His point was not to shoot the president down or to launch ad hominem attacks, but to suggest that Obama ought not abandon the virtue of calm and reason in the thick of political dogfights. Most of the time I would agree with this advice.

But I'm one the people who wants to see Obama make some hay these days. It's clear that Republicans are not trying to govern responsibly, preferring instead to do and say only what will get them short-term boosts in popularity. Too many Republican leaders, Mitch McConnell most of all, want only to attack in the interest of the next election. They are demagogues and bullies and need to be called on their nastiness.  In other words, it's not mere name-calling when Obama raises the negativity of his rhetoric. It's a form of leadership.

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